Healthy eating for binge eaters, Nutrition for binge eating,

During my binge eating days I used to obsess about eating everything non-fat, sugar free, dairy free, gluten free etc. I didn’t have a medical condition that required me to eat this way, I made myself believe that these foods were the cause of my binges, the reason why I would face plant into a bag of cookies!! Give me a like (double tap) if you have been there before

I feared these foods and avoided them as much as I could!! My belief around healthy eating was skewed, I operated from a place of fear, when I did give in to my banned foods, adrenaline and dopamine would kick in and give me sense of euphoria. High on the feeling of being bad, afraid of being caught, this would make me eat faster and hide the evidence of what I have eaten. leaving me with guilt and shame in the aftermath. While describing this now, I can see how unhealthy this eating pattern was physically, emotionally and mentally.

When you are driven by fear, you cannot think rationally. I see this in so many of my clients and women I speak to on a daily basis, they have been taught to fear food!! Fearing the very thing that keeps us alive is unhealthy and destructive.

What is the alternative then? Who do we trust to give us the right information on what to eat and what healthy eating looks like? Have you thought of tuning in to your own body? Your gut and belly are very good communicators, they are the first to tell you whether food agrees with you or not.

In my Food Freedom Program, I help my clients banish all old food beliefs and fears and we formulate a system that works for their unique bioindividual needs. They have more energy, they are eating foods that they previously feared (even chocolate), they look amazing and every single one has somewhere in their journey said the words “Food no longer controls me” or “I have found food freedom” !!

Download My free post binge journal prompts and get instant access to

  • The 3 proven ways to stop binge eating, so you can diagnose the problems in the way of your success and take action to change it right away.
  • Learn my 10 Powerful journal prompts to stop binge eating To Help powerful women Go From Emotional Eating Hell To Finding Food Freedom.
  • What it will take to transform your binge or emotional eating so you can finally trust yourself around food

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